Friday, July 10, 2009

My third discovery....if I had it to do over I would have...

My third discovery was prescription medications and that I did not like them. However, it was the best discovery for the crises I was in. Failure to thrive, severe chemical and hormonal imbalance and adrenal exhaustion. The meds would control my hyper-anxiety and panic. When taking the ativan I could eat what ever I wanted with exception of sugar, chocolate, white flour, and dairy. It was so nice to be able to eat carrots, eggs, chicken, and so many other foods I had been without for so long. I found that with a healthy variety of nutrition, my meds were more effective. So what of food allergies? When my brain chemistry was balanced there were no allergies or they were being covered up by the meds? It still is a mystery and a question lurking in the back of my mind waiting to be answered. I took my trileptal for to stabilize my mood and my marriage began to heal. My husband had a new stable job and our finances were tight but stable. I found support from my new Church family and I began to adjust to my new home. I found a kind expressive therapist who helped me more in one session than in my 12 years if counseling combined. I found that if I rested enough, got good sleep, and paced myself I could do the morning dishes and one load of laundry and then take a long break. I could make dinner and spend time with the family. I could drive further and further and around town with ease. I began to get my life back. I did have a lot of ups and downs with various Dr and med changes. I finally leveled out but still could physically do so little. I could not make commitments of any sort because of the pressure and stress it would bring me. I had to learn how to slow down, relax and give quiet service which helped a lot. Days I would overload myself, I would relapse and it would take several down days to regain my strength and level out. I began doing Tia Chi for 10 minutes and worked my way up to 20 to 30 minutes a day over a months time. This was the only exercise I could do without stressing my body out. Anything else was way too strenuous and would make me sick for days. My conclusion was that I had a sever chemical imbalance caused from a multitude of things ranging from childhood trauma, post traumatic stress, unmet needs, poor nutrition, negative thinking, lack of exercise, and the molds and chemicals, With financial and marriage stress added to the picture these were just the finals straws that sent my body into a downward spiral and it couldn't take anymore. If I had it to do over I would have skipped the meds and gone straight to Point of Return. The meds caused a lot of emotional pain and were highly unpredictable. I was reliant on them. That in and of itself was very scary. But now that I've had this horrendous experience I can warn others first hand....This is not a place you want to go and there are other options. I understand that medications are important and have helped alot of people including me at a very critical time. I am grateful to the caring and helpful Medical Doctors who have led me through my healing process. They were there when I needed immediate critical help.

I've had a lot of emotional pain over the course of my life but nothing holds a candle to the pain I experienced in one moment of side effects and terrible withdraws from the medications. Point of return (whole food supplements I'm on now) would have enabled my body to heal and balance itself without having to go through a medication and tapering withdrawal process. I would have saved myself a lot of pain,time and money if I had done this before I hit my crises. Prevention is the key here. But sometimes it takes a major crises to help us and our loved ones wake up and take action. Instead I'm in here for the long haul and will be off my meds in about a year. For more information on Point of Return visit:

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