Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The effects of Generational Nutritional Degeneration and Glutithione deficiency on Society and Families

Anger issues used to plague me and my family. It was such a mystery to me. Why was it so easy to just fly off the handle and even the smallest things? My dad, my grandpas, friends, strangers around me. Like a detective I have set out to find the answer starting my quest as a young adult searching through every self help book I might think helpful. Attending therapy and 12 programs, I relived, rehashed worked through, pounded out, let it go, relaxed through my childhood trauma and felt a little better but still didn't quite feel liberated from this enemy that had been with me since birth. With still no answers and prayer after prayer pleading for mental relief for my physical and mental anxieties, still no relief. I know the Lord was patiently waiting to let me figure things out on my own.
In 2006 my anxiety got so bad I could not breath. I landed in the hospital because it was beyond what I could handle. This was just the experience I need ed to help me find the missing path I had been looking for on my journey. Unable to find relief from my medications I turned to God in agony for relief from this monster that had over run my life. I immediately felt like I should go to the computer and search for answers.
I stumbled upon Point of Return which I wrote about in a previous post. For more details please visit I knew this was inspired. After two weeks on the supplements I began to calm down. Even though the medication seemed to cause aggression especially around my menstrual cycle and payday this led me to discover some physical and emotional vulnerabilities I needed to work through and be aware of. Once I figured out I had a major financial trigger with my husband at the time, I was able to keep calm around pay day. And even more so since my divorce, I have been a lot calmer about finances since I am no longer feeling controlled by him. Once my body had what it needed and I was able to set reasonable boundaries. I was able to keep calm.

So I have since discovered that there are two key components to anger issues: Glutithione deficiency and unresolved childhood trauma. Together they make quite a lethal combination.

So why is Glutithione so important?

Glutithione is a protein high in anti-oxidents that our bodies need to counter the free radicals in our bodies so we can generate new cells. Once our body runs out we must replenish the source. I believe our grandparents had a greater source of it then we do now and our children have even less. Why is this? I think there are multiple reasons for this. Not only do we have greater pollutents & chemicals in our environment, but our diets no longer consist of live food or raw meat and other animal products such as raw dairy. So there is greater strain on the body and less glutithione being put into the body. Plant sources of anti-oxidants actually cause more anxiety because they stimulate the adrenals so we really need them but we are unable to assimilate them properly and cause more anxiety.   Glutithione helps all the other anti-oxidents work in harmony. We also eat less fat or the wrong kind of fats that not only make it hard for the  body to assimilate these anti-oxidants but without enough fat to break the fall, these powerful anti-oxidents can over stimulate our system and send us into a rampant detox thus causing the anxiety. 
In an article at it states that milk pasteurization machines came online in the mid-1890s. Ultra-pasteurization started in 1948.”the ultimate goal in heat treating milk is the destruction of pathogenic or disease causing microbes...numerous studies have shown however that bad bugs are not the only thing destroyed by the heat: delicate proteins, enzymes, immune factors, hormones, vitamins, mineral availability – all undergo definite changes during the heating process.” So we are not assimilating those delicate proteins and other important nutrients and we certainly are not passing them onto our posterity. Without this and other healthy pro-biotic food our gut linings are left to deteriorate causing allergies and the inability to assimilate other vital nutrients. Now I am observing babies with their own oxygen tanks, children with growth and mental disorders, autoimmune disorders where the body tries find ways to nourish itself with nutrients within itself.
I have observed that protein in general slows down the adrenals and calms down my anxiety.   My protein and Glutithione reserves are so depleted that I am at a point that without the Glutithone all other foods stimulate my adrenals so much that the fight and flight response overwhelmed my system. I believe ample protein is needed for our fight and flight response to work properly. Without it my brain feels raw like sandpaper grinding together.

Gluthione is also high in Vitamin B12. Also known as the “Happy” vitamin. This also comes from raw animal products as the vegetable version of B12 is hard to assimilate according to Sally Fallon's “Nourishing Traditions”

So generation after generation pasteurized milk, which is highly undigestable, has been at the helm of this depletion. The key is going back to drinking raw milk. However there are consequences for this generational practice.  It is not easy for any of us to go back to drinking it. Our digestive systems cannot tolerate it. The process in which the glutithinone is made allows the milk to be cold processed and highly concentrated without certain un-digestable proteins and fats included, making it digestible for even the most sensitive such as myself. This process allows this undenatured whey protein to bypass the digestive system, a modern miracle indeed. This allows the muscles and organs to use it immediately and calm down the system.
I have not only been free of anxiety and agitation but I've also been able to think clearer, be calm and my stomach knots are gone. In isolated situations where the stress is beyond what I can handle, the RELAX which is concentrated milk decapitide (protein) calms down my system. A highly effective anti-anxiety natural remedy that I don't think any hospital or ambulance should be without. I look at my family history and have a whole new outlook on my father and grandfathers aggressive behaviors.

Then there is hormone imbalance.  Hormones added to our meat and milk causing excess which I have observed causes aggression followed by burn out. High sex drive, aggression and then low to no sex drive, depression. I am speaking from personal experience. According to Sally Fallen, Hormones consist of iodine, healthy fats and animal protien.  Refined (heated) vegetable oils block hormone production and are one of the leading causes of autoimmune disorders. Since proteins and all other foods are only assimilated with fat it is my theory refined vegetable depletes natural fats from our system the body must go to other sources for it's nutritional supply, itself.  

Another factor involved is depleted foods such as refined salt, sugar, flours, refined oils, rice etc that overwhelm the system . I believe that minerals slow down the digestion process. The refining of these foods stimulates the adrenals and cause the Sodium and Gaba receptors to work overtime. This causes anxiety, bi-polar and other mental disorders. I noticed when my sodium was too high that I was more aggressive and would have panic attacks. My adrenals were on overdrive and it put a strain on my protein & fat reserves. According to Sally Fallon Sugar leaches the body of calcium and other vital nutrients. She also refers to all improperly prepared grains as anti-nutrients which does this as well.  They are high in phytic acid, natures preservative, which is neutralized during the sprouting or fermenting process. The phytic acid binds with vitamins and minerals and pulls them out of our system.

So with all these odds against us, no wonder we are so stressed all of the time. The only solution to this process is resupplying our bodies of these vital nutrients. The Glutithione is key to our healing process as a society. I have also found Standard Process to be a helpful inexpensive source for animal based whole food supplements. Restoring our organs with vital organ meats and supplements as well as a diet rich in undenatured, properly processed and prepared foods. It's time to rise up as a nation and claim our rich agricultural heritage in order to save our posterity which is one generation shy of no longer existing. I see a time of healing and hope for those trapped in the clutches of anxiety, illness and neurological disorders. Our pain will move us as a country and our ancestors will be our guiding light. There is always something that can be done to bring the needed change. I foresee food manufacturing working for our good as we raise our voices for change. I see small changes already occurring as I have browsed the grocery store shelves.

I know that without my pain I would not have made the changes I have needed to make. I envy Dr. Cowan and Sally Fallon who have chosen to learn from the mistakes of others and live free of health problems. Who selflessly take the time to re-educate our society. I am in gratitude to God for inspiring Point of Returns Glutithione which gives us hope for the future. 

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